Portraits, Life, All In The Family Courtney Lindberg Portraits, Life, All In The Family Courtney Lindberg

Atlanta Baby it's all in the Tiny Details

Here in Atlanta, if you’re looking to capture the sweet innocence of a baby in a timeless way, a white backdrop is the perfect choice.

White backdrops create a neutral space that allows the focus to be solely on the details of a baby – the tiny toes, the delicate lashes, the soft and sweet expressions. When photographing a baby on a white backdrop, the goal is to make the details of a baby stand out so that you can hold onto them and treasure them/

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All In The Family, Blog Courtney Lindberg All In The Family, Blog Courtney Lindberg

#loveislove #weareorlando

In an attempt to celebrate love over hate and offer support to the victims of the tragic Orlando shooting I will be donating $350 per Just Kiddos Session booked between now and Friday 6/17 to www.gofundme.com/PulseVictimsFund.Sessions are for weekdays only, please contact ashley@CourtneyLindbergPhotography.com to make your appointment today. 323-708-7800 5443 W Pico Blvd, LA CA 90019

‪#‎weareorlando‬ ‪#‎equality‬ ‪#‎orlando‬ ‪#‎loveislove‬JustKiddos

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